Dun , dun, dun, another one bites the dust….! (in the voice of Freddie Mercury)
So as another year passes, our 6th in business, our focus starts to shift to what the next financial year will hold for us. As we consign this year to the past, I thought I would share on thoughts on the 2021/ 2022 year, and our focus for 2022/ 2023.
2021/ 2022
Our team has grown from four employees to nine, with new additions this year including Olivia Hartley, Nicolé Broughton, Hanna Gibson and Eloise Clarke. Welcome all, hope you enjoy being part of the team.
In an environment that is a meritocracy, promotions this year have included Laura Belcher to Divisional Manager and Jade Stevenson to Senior Consultant. Well done both.
We moved from our serviced office in Strelley to our first traditional lease to provide space for growth and a proper home for the team. This has been transformational.
We generated over £1,000 this year for good causes, including supplying selection boxes for St Marthas Church in Strelley and the Fareshare scheme.
Regarding the numbers, we have achieved over 100% increase in the past 12 months in the following areas; team members, permanent placements, retained placements, new clients placed with, turnover, gross profit and charity contributions. Which is one hell of an achievement for the team.
We are also working with and supporting an old friend of the business, Clive Dean, as he starts to scale up his Engineering Recruitment offering with Astrum Recruitment Ltd.
2022/ 2023
We are targeting ourselves with a 50% increase within all areas again, so we have opportunities for new team members across the business. We are also open to speaking with individuals who would be interested in opening a new division, supported by our team.
We will be launching our new construction and residential freelance offering in April 2022, so watch this space on that one. We are very excited to have a recruited a specialist to the team who will manage and lead the new division for our business.
We are hoping to make a number of employee promotions in forthcoming year, so it’s over to you team. We don’t have a glass ceiling here, your efforts will undoubtedly reap the rewards.
Finally, to celebrate last year’s achievements the team have been given match tickets for Nottingham Forest v Birmingham – which was my idea, and in addition an all-expenses paid trip to London – which was their idea. We don’t carry a high earners day/ lunch/ holidays as we live and die as a team, that’s what’s important to us and our business.
Well done everyone and thank you for your for efforts, I really appreciate it.