The theme for 2024’s International Men’s Day is ‘Positive Male Role Models’. A role model can be anyone you look to as an example and for guidance, often in times of stress or worry.
Atkins Search’s charity of 2024 is Tough To Talk. Tough To Talk are a pioneering charity dedicated to breaking the silence around male suicide and promoting mental health awareness. Founded on the principle that every man should have access to support when he needs it most, they are committed to changing lives and making a difference.
International Men’s Day is a reminder for everyone to take stock of their mental health and wellbeing. A reminder to look out for friends, family and colleagues. A reminder that these issues are often deeply uncomfortable but need to be talked about. Prioritising mental health in the workplace is something our charity of the year Tough To Talk focus heavily on, providing training to organisations on how better to understand mental health and its importance. Their Tough Training workshops are a catalyst for change focusing specifically on male environments.
We asked the team who their positive male role model is, click on this link to watch the video and hear their responses: