How to answer the “weaknesses” question at Interview

Dread answering the “what are your weaknesses” in an interview? Let us transform that dread into confidence! 

You may wonder why hiring managers want to know your weaknesses?   

They ask this to assess if you are self-aware, honest and have an ability to recognise areas of development. They also want to see if you are willing to improve your weaknesses and have an attitude of continuous learning and growth.  

Here are some of the best weakness examples to give in an interview:  


“I focus too much on the finer details” 


Being focused on finer details is generally regarded as a strength by hiring managers, however, a way in which this can be a weakness is if you spend an excess amount of time on one detail and end up delaying others.  Displaying this perceived weakness indicates your ability to help the organisation prevent minor mistakes. 

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?” 

 “A weakness of mine is that I occasionally become overly absorbed in the details of a project. To address this, I have been working on improving my time management by tracking how long I spend on specific tasks and reminding myself to keep an eye on the overall project. This approach helps me maintain high-quality work while also staying productive and assisting my team in meeting deadlines”


“I find it challenging to detach from a project” 


People who are perfectionists often make lots of last-minute changes to ensure perfection. The problem with this is the potential to negatively impact deadlines. However, it is important to share how you are making improvements on this and bettering yourself to let go of projects.  

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?”  

One of the weaknesses I have is that I occasionally struggle to let go of a project. As my own toughest critic, I always find aspects that could be improved or modified. To address this, I set strict deadlines for revisions and aim to limit last-minute changes”  


“I have trouble saying no”  


From a hiring manager’s perspective, someone willing and ready to help can be a real asset to a business and a team. However, this asset can become a weakness as there is a risk of delayed submission of work due to over-promising help to other people.   You need to show to the hiring manager that you are working on bettering your self-management skills by setting boundaries.   

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?”  

A weakness of mine is that I occasionally find it difficult to say no when others ask for help, leading to overcommitment. To manage this, I focus on prioritising my tasks to helps me track my workload, enabling me to prioritise effectively and gauge my availability to help the team when they ask“  


“I feel stressed when projects run beyond the deadline” 

While acknowledging that you’re aware perceived stress can be a weakness, employers also appreciate team members who prioritise meeting deadlines. Be sure to speak to the hiring manager about how you believe that timely submissions are crucial for maximising productivity across the team.  

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?”  

One of the weaknesses I deal with is the stress I feel when projects run past their deadline. Punctuality is a quality of mine I value, and I feel strongly about ensuring work is submitted on time. To help reduce the stress I feel, I have undertaken a course on mindfulness to help recognise my feelings. I find it important to take notice when I feel most stressed to determine the best time to build a habit of mindfulness to strategically address those moments and let them go without attaching to them” 

“I could use more experience in…”

Everyone has something they could improve in or develop their knowledge and experience in. Sharing with the hiring manager a desire to up-skill displays self-awareness, a growth mind-set and a drive to challenge yourself.  It is important to remember you do not mention something which is a necessary skill for the role you are interviewing for e.g. “I could use more experience on Microsoft Office” when the opportunity is reliant on Microsoft Office.  

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?” 

I’ve found that I could use more experience in data analysis. While I have a fundamental understanding of the basic analyses, I recognise the importance of diving deeper into detailed data sets and using specific analytic tools. To work on this, I aim to strengthen my analysis skills by reading more and listening to podcasts so I can contribute more effectively to data-driven decision-making processes”  


“I sometimes have trouble asking for help” 


Whilst you may want to solve all issues you come across, this sometimes can’t be done and can be considered a weakness. Learning when to ask for help means we open ourselves to new opportunities for growth and success. Be sure to explain how you are actively trying to get better if this is something you struggle with.  

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?” 

I find that because I am quite an independent person and enjoy finding the solution on my own, I sometimes struggle to ask for help when I do need it. I know that at any business there are going to be experts around me who have specific knowledge, and a skill set I can learn from. I have been working on this and have since been able to produce better work in a shorter amount of time from asking for assistance from people around me in the wider team”   


“It has been difficult for me to work with certain personalities” 


It is quite common for people to have trouble working with certain personality traits. Having good teamworking skills also translates to having a strong awareness of how you work with others and your ability to adjust your approach to better serve the business and your team.  If you use this line as an example of a weakness, be sure to explain the characteristics and personality traits you find it difficult to work with but be sure to give a clear reason why without being derogatory of past colleagues.  

 Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?” 

Whilst I am a strong team player and I understand a range of personality types help strengthen a business, I tend to keep my ideas to myself around louder, more direct colleagues. In a bid to overcome this, I try to spend time with these colleagues who speak up freely and learn more about them and their communication styles. By doing this, I can better collaborate with these personality types so we can equally contribute with our strengths and skills.”   


“I sometimes struggle to keep a healthy work/life balance” 


Having a solid work/life balance is important when maintaining motivation within your job. Spending a lot of time at work shows a strong work ethic but can have an impact on time spent with family, friends and hobbies. If you chose to speak about this weakness, be sure to explain the different ways you have made a point of finding that balance and how you have seen your work improve as a result.  

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?” 

Because of the passion and ambition, I have for my career and my work, I sometimes find it difficult to set boundaries between my work and my personal life. I have seen a negative impact in the past on my focus at work when I ignore my personal needs. To overcome this, I implement small changes to my day such as putting my work phone on silent when with my family which has made such a positive difference. Putting more of a structured balance between work and leisure makes me more motivated and hence more productive at work.”  


“In the past, I have been uncomfortable with ambiguity” 


Many organisations look for staff who can follow detailed instructions. Whilst this is a strength, it is also important to thrive amid unclear tasks and mixed signals to realise the desired outcome. If this is a weakness, discuss the success you have found with following instructions but also discuss the strategies you are taking to find comfort with ambiguous tasks at work.  

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?” 

I prefer working with clear instructions, so I tend to be quite sceptical when approaching a more ambiguous project or goal. To improve this weakness, I have created a personal framework for times when I feel overwhelmed or confused by any task I am performing. This framework includes performing structured research and asking the experts around me for advice. By doing this, I have become more successful when working on ambiguous tasks or working on projects that have less defined goals”  


“I sometimes lack confidence” 


A lack of confidence is a common weakness that can cause inefficiencies within work. It is important to be confident to complete your job at an optimal level.  If you chose to present a lack of confidence, make sure to discuss the different steps you are taking to improve your level of confidence and how your actions have resulted in recent successes.   

Possible answer to “What do you consider to be your weaknesses?” 

One of my greatest weaknesses is that I sometimes lack a level of confidence when working in a group. I often find that when I have great ideas, I find it difficult to share them with others. I have decided to take some of my personal time and take part in speaking and acting classes to learn how to separate myself from my shy self to my professional self.”  


  • In conclusion, addressing your weaknesses in a job interview isn’t just about admitting flaws; it is about demonstrating self-awareness, honesty, and a commitment to personal growth. Hiring managers ask about weaknesses to gauge your ability to recognise areas for improvement and take proactive steps to develop them.   
  • By framing your weaknesses in a constructive way—highlighting how you are actively working to overcome them—you show that you are capable of growth and are an asset to any team. Whether it’s time management, setting boundaries, or improving confidence, acknowledging and addressing these areas signals your readiness to contribute positively to the organisation while continuously evolving as a professional.