10 Tips on how to handle Redundancy

Facing redundancy can be a scary and challenging time for most of us. With the current cost-of-living crisis the majority of the UK are dealing with, most employees cannot face being unemployed for any extended period of time and this fear can often lead to taking a role that does not utilise your knowledge, offer security or encourage any professional development.

If you are facing redundancy or been made redundant recently, here are 10 tips on how to keep your career moving forward after redundancy.

  1. Reflect and Assess 

After being made redundant, most of us will want to take the first opportunity we find, even if that opportunity is not in-line with your career path. Take a few days after you have been made redundant to reflect on your employment and career so far.  

When you have reflected and can see the path from where you began to where you were on the day of redundancy, it can offer some clarity on how and where to move forwards. 

Whilst taking a bit of time after being made redundant to reflect, consider doing the following: 

  • Strengths & Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and areas for improvement.  
  • Achievements: Reflect on your past achievements and how they can be used in your future roles. 
  • Goals: Assess your career goals and align them with your current situation and future aspirations. 

2. Update your CV and LinkedIn Profile 

Your CV and LinkedIn profile are crucial tools to utilise in your job search.  

Making sure they are up-to-date and optimised can help hiring managers easily identify you, help stand out in the crowd (especially if you are early on in your career). 

The best ways of updating your CV and LinkedIn profile are: 

  • Tailored CV: Customising your CV for each job application can help to increase, highlighting relevant skills and experiences. 
  • Professional LinkedIn Profile: Update your LinkedIn profile with a professional photo, compelling headline and detailed descriptions of your roles and achievements. Incorporate industry-specific keywords. 

3. Expand Your Skills 

Invest in your professional development to stay competitive in the job market: 

  • Online Courses: Enrol in online courses to gain new skills or enhance existing ones. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a variety of courses.
  • Certifications: Obtain certifications in your field to demonstrate your expertise and commitment to professional growth.

4. Network Actively 

Networking can open doors to new opportunities. Focus on building and nurturing your professional network: 

  • Industry Events: Attend industry conferences, webinars, and networking events to meet new contacts and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Professional Associations: Join professional associations and groups related to your field to expand your network and access job opportunities.

5. Leverage Social Media 

Social media can be a powerful tool in your job search. Use it strategically: 

Twitter and LinkedIn: Follow industry leaders and companies, engage in discussions, and share relevant content to build your online presence.

Professional Groups: Join LinkedIn groups related to your industry and participate in discussions to showcase your expertise. 

6. Consider Temporary or Freelance Work 

Temporary or freelance work can provide income and valuable experience while you search for a permanent position: 

  • Freelance Platforms: Sign up on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer to find freelance opportunities.
  • Temporary Agencies: Register with temporary staffing agencies that specialize in your field.

7. Seek Career Counselling 

Professional career counselling can provide personalized guidance and support: 

  • Career Coaches: Work with a career coach to identify your strengths, develop your job search strategy, and improve your interview skills.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attend career development workshops and seminars to gain insights and learn new techniques for job searching.

8. Tailor Your Job Applications 

A generic job application won’t stand out. Tailor each application to the specific job: 

  • Cover Letters: Write a tailored cover letter for each job application, highlighting how your skills and experiences match the job requirements.
  • Job Descriptions: Carefully read job descriptions and incorporate relevant keywords into your resume and cover letter.

9. Prepare for Interviews 

Preparation is key to successful interviews: 

  • Mock Interviews: Practice with mock interviews to improve your responses and build confidence.
  • Research: Research the company and the role thoroughly to ask insightful questions and demonstrate your interest.

10. Stay Positive and Persistent 

Job searching can be a long process, but staying positive and persistent is crucial: 

  • Set Goals: Set daily or weekly job search goals to stay motivated and organized.
  • Self-Care: Take care of your physical and mental health through regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient rest.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with industry news and trends to stay informed and prepared for opportunities.